7 Fungsi Lain Tombol Volume Pada HP Android yang Mungkin Belum Anda Ketahui. Kalau tidak Tahu Akibatnya Fatal !!

Tombol volume yang biasanya untuk mengatur suara notifikasi maupun lagu, ternyata memiliki fungsi lain. Fungsi lain ini mungkin ada yang Anda ketahui. Tetapi, sebagian besar mungkin belum Anda ketahui. Nah, fungsi lain tombol volume apa sajakah yang bisa Anda coba? Mari kita simak berikut ini!

1. Screenshot Fungsi ini mungkin familiar bagi Anda. Hanya dengan menekan tombol down dan power, Anda sudah dapat menangkap tampilan layar. Sehingga Anda dapat menangkap gambar mana pun di layar Android Anda.

2. Recovery Mode Dengan kombinasi khusus tobol volume plus tombol power saat menyalakan android, Anda sudah bisa masuk ke recovery mode. Selain itu, tombol volume ini juga bisa digunakan untuk memilih menu di dalamnya.

3. Shorcut Aplikasi Dengan bantuan aplikasi QuickClick, Anda sudah dapat membuka aplikasi secara cepat. Selain berguna sebagai pembuka aplikasi cepat, masih banyak hal yang bisa Anda dapat dengan memakai tombol volume.

4. Membuka Lock Screen Android Anda dapat membuka Lock Screen Android hanya dengan tombol volume. Dengan cara membuat lock screen dengan kombinasi tombol volume, bahkan Anda bisa membuat serumit mungkin. Setrelah itu Anda bisa membuka lock screen dengan kombinasi tombol volume.

5. Zoom in atau Zoom Out pada Kamera Penggunaan tombol volume dalam user interface ini sudah ada pada beberapa aplikasi kamera. Ubahlah fungsi tombol volume menjafi shorcut untuk Zoom In atau Zoom Out. Sehingga cara ini menjadi jalan pintas untuk memperbesar maupun memperkecil ukuran gambar.

6. Dapat Mengambil Gambar dengan Tombol Volume Selain berfungsi sebagai jalan pintas untuk mengatir Zoom In atau Zoom Out saat membuka aplikasi kamera, kini tombol volume juga memiliki fungsi lain saat membuka aplikasi kamera. Fungsi lainnya adalah sebagi tombol Shutter. Sehingga Anda tidak ribet saat akan mengabadikan peristowa penting dalam bentuk foto maupun video.

7. Menghidupkan Layar Smartphone Biasanya saat menghidupkan layar, Anda pasti akan menekan tombol power plus tombol down atau memakai fitur double tap to wake. Namun bagaimana jika tidak ada fitur double tap to wake pada smartphone Anda dan tombol power Anda rusak? Tenang, manfaatkan tombol volume untuk menghidupkan layar Anda.

sumber: https://www.beritateknologi.com/7-fungsi-lain-tombol-volume-pada-hp-android-yang-mungkin-belum-anda-ketahui/
4 Best Tips for Choosing Fire Insurance
If you are in an area prone to fire, then there is no harm to buy fire insurance. But with the large number of existing insurance at this time may make you a little confused to choose it. The best fire insurance you can choose is certainly an insurance that can work with you in a professional manner. But sometimes there are just fire insurance companies that are too convoluted to issue premiums that you have paid.
If so then the loss will be on your part due to the act of this less responsible insurance company. Well, so you do not feel cheated should read the following tips before determining it.

1. Know the warranty provided

Phe consumer is king, so you are entitled to inquire about the warranty to be provided by this best fire insurance company. By knowing it, you will become clearer, with the obligation to be given to you. Fire insurance will usually provide guarantees for fires that occur for any reason, for example, being struck by lightning, explosions, electrical short circuit, due to riots and some other things.

2. Compare with other companies

Because you can compare the company that is being offered to you, but because it is impossible to go to the company one by one and ask the same thing. Therefore, you can get the best fire insurance information via the internet. By making comparisons online, you can also see the advantages and disadvantages of the company from its followers.

3. Claim process

Make sure the home insurance company you follow is a company that is easy in taking care of claims. You can ask this question to some companies still by way of online. In addition, you can also ask some people who have experience in managing claims. The best fire insurance will certainly provide excellent service and do not disappoint its customers. So will many people who believe and cooperate with this company.

4. Sum Insured

The sum insured is the nominal amount you will get if you claim the company. Make sure you do not lose, so you must calculate carefully so that the value of claims issued in accordance with what you expect. However, the best fire insurance will certainly provide detailed details so that there is no misunderstanding behind the day. However you can also ask some experienced parties.
Once you get the comparison, then you can decide which company you will choose. To avoid crime, fraud, and also later regrets, then it should also provide a true identity and honest. Because often people add or reduce information that should be written. And this is often the problem of the clutter of claims even if you follow the best fire insurance companies.

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